
Bites: Adam Levin, Nabokov’s Butterflies, Emma Straub Reviewed and More

“Adam Levin’s The Instructions and the Cult of the Child” at The Millions. “I flipped back to page one, eager to fall back into this magnificent array of narratives. If that’s not love, I don’t know what is.” – Pank on Emma Straub’s Other People We Married. Nabokov’s butterflies. Taking a look at the “godfather of neoconservatism,” Irving Kristol. Jeff Mangum announces he is going to dust off all those old Neutral Milk Hotel songs, and the entire world gets […]

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“in 1991 i moved to Athens ,Georgia in search of god, but what I discovered instead was Vic Chesnutt. hearing his music completely transformed the way i thought about writing songs, and i will forever be in his debt.” -Jeff Mangum, Neutral Milk Hotel

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Bites: Rebecca Solnit On “Elite Panic,” Penguin Classics Go Dopey, Truman Peyote the Band, and More

Essays are great. The talented Rebecca Solnit (above) discusses “elite panic,” among other things, in an an interview at BOMB Magazine. “Zadie Smith on the rise of the essay.“ The kind of wishy-washy title of Bob Thompson’s piece in The American Scholar, “Writing About Writers,” does not give it due justice. Please read. Lit. Thinking of gifting a newfangled, bougey little reading device called the Nook? Well, you’re outta luck. Yep, you may have to settle for the Kindle, which […]

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Bites: Proust and a six pack, literary revolution, James Brown, Neutral Milk Hotel, caffeine suppositories, and more

Proust liked to knock a few cold ones back.  So what?  You think he subsisted on madeleines alone?   Just look at that picture of him.  He’s looking at you and saying “Heineken?  Fuck that shit!  Pabst Blue Ribbon!” (via Maud Newton) Lit. You should probably go over to The Millions and see their list of  “The Best Fiction of The Millennium (So Far)“ I feel like we should have a countdown to #1. Dan Brown taking on the Daughters of […]

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Weekend Bites: Alice in Wonderland, Roald Dahl, Lacoste, dudes, the “FingerBlast”, and more

The first recollection I have of watching a Tim Burton film was seeing Beetlejuice when I was eight and thinking “holy shit”. Since then, just about everything he has done since has for better or worse garnered the same reaction. With that said, this preview of Alice in Wonderland is definitely a good “holy shit”. Speaking of Burton’s film adaptations, The Rumpus talks about “Roald Dahl, Man of Letters“. I need more personal essays about Lacoste shirts in my life. […]

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