Bites: Ted Kennedy, Victorian Hero?, V. Woolf liked sci-fi, losing Afhanistan, newspaper bailout, Vol.1 is connected

Lit. The Rumpus shares what Peanuts would look like if it had been written by Charles Bukowski. Was Ted Kennedy a Victorian hero? This new study, “Hierarchy in the Library: Egalitarian Dynamics in Victorian Novels,” suggests that “novels are a cultural technology for teaching cooperation and suppressing attempts to gain dominance.” Virginia Woolf liked science fiction! (Thanks, The Rumpus) The New York Times takes a look at “The Evolution of Publishing” Levi Asher gets back to “Reviewing the Review” at […]

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Bites: Wild Cupcakes, Kennedy’s do Twitter, Obama is the new Opraha, Marcel Duchamp wasn’t done, and more

Would you rather eat  library ice cream or Where the Wild Things Are cupcakes?  (Thanks Boing Boing) How indie bookstores are getting customers. (Boston Globe) Yoni Wolf of the band WHY? does vegan food in NYC (Thanks The Young and Hungry) President Obama will sell your book. What do a song off the superb album Superwolf by Bonnie Prince Billy and Matt Sweeny, Iron and Wine, and Vashti Bunyan all have in  common?  Daniel Kraus, author of The Monster Variations […]

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