
Afternoon Bites: Deborah Eisenberg, New Glenn Ganges, Mission Chinese, and more

The guys behind Mission Chinese have a book deal with Anthony Bourdain and Ecco, and they can basically do whatever they want, for all he cares. A new Deborah Eisenberg short story at The New York Review of Books. Lifestyle voyeurism available immediately at By Way of Brooklyn. Daniel Alarcón talks Spanish-language radio with The Rumpus. Oh my God, nothing could not make our Fridays better than new Glenn Ganges. Kevin Huizenga is over at The Paris Review Daily. Follow […]

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V1 Editor, Fellow Elite Ogled at ‘Donald’

Posted by Nick Curley Stephen Elliott and Eric Martin dropped a megaton truth bomb yesterday with the release of Donald, their fictional imagining of Donald Rumsfeld undergoing GITMO-style hospitality.  It’s hot soup delivered by a ramshackle imprint of meth-addled high schoolers called McSweeney’s, and the industry’s best and brightest partied down last night in celebration of this lil’ opus.  Photographed in style among them?  One Juliet Linderman!  Vol. 1 Brooklyn editor extraordinaire, resident estrogen supplier, and scribe of our #1 hit single Dick Watching.  […]

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Monday Stuff: Nick Cave, Jon Stewart, Superchunk, The Rumpus Take Over Brooklyn

At New York Magazine, New York Magazine hits it right on the head with the title for the Jon Stewart/Daily Show profile, “America is a Joke“: “Jon has chronicled the death of shame in politics and journalism,” says Brian Williams, the NBC Nightly News anchor who is a frequent Daily Show guest. “Many of us on this side of the journalism tracks often wish we were on Jon’s side. I envy his platform to shout from the mountaintop. He’s a […]

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Should I Trust the Good Taste of Todd Zuniga?

Todd Zuniga (Opium, Literary Death Match) has good taste, and he seemed to like Imperial Bedrooms.  Is this the final clue from God that I should read the (possibly terrible) follow up to one of my favorite books ever? The dark undergrounds of real-deal metropolitan cities (NYC, SF, LA, London, etc.) can be grim, horrifying places.  We’ve all heard stories (or at least seen Requiem for a Dream).  I don’t have the constitution to live in this world, though I […]

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Letting Other People Review Christopher Hitchens for Me

I respect Christopher Hitchens.  He doesn’t seem to be afraid of anything or anybody; god or man, etc.  I don’t always agree with everything he has to say, but usually if I see one of his articles on Slate or in The Atlantic, I’ll probably read it due to the fact that the guy is at least engaging and interesting. Now he has published his memoir, Hitch-22.  It’s 435 pages of Hitchens talking about a subject I assume is his […]

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The Best way to Read Richard Yates Before Anybody Else…

Be the first on your block to read Tao Lin’s forthcoming novel, Richard Yates, so you can say that you: A. Loved it before everybody else did. B.  Got over it before everybody else did. C.  Hated it before everybody else did. Your best bet is to join The Rumpus Book Club.  I’m only telling you this because I get the feeling that 86% of you who talked shit about Shoplifting From American Apparel either never read it, or only […]

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Emily Gould Causes Blogger Existential Crisis

Obviously there is love between Vol. 1 Brooklyn/Impose/Josh Spilker (Deckfight).  This is why after read Josh’s thoughts on Emily Gould and her new book, And the Heart Says Whatever, I became worried about the guy.  I have these (very meta) visions of Josh sitting under a tree in the Carolinas (North or South, you pick), giving this subject too much thought, sweating nervously as he types away: I don’t get memoirs about how a big blog treated you badly. I […]

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