Vol.1 Brooklyn’s October 2016 Book Preview

This may be our largest single month book preview. But then again, this October looks like an unusually strong month for books, whether you’re looking for unsettling fiction in translation, incisive cultural histories, or speculative fiction that takes some of our current concerns to their logical ends. And it wouldn’t be October reading without a couple of glimpses into the uncanny as well. Read on for a glimpse of the books that have caught our attention for this month.

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Vol.1 Brooklyn’s August 2016 Book Preview

This month brings with a host of bold nonfiction, including books in which talented writers shine a light on the creative works that have impressed them over the years, incisive memoirs, and a new collection of writing on race in America. There’s also plenty of innovative fiction due out this month, along with a few works that defy easy description. What follows is a look at several of the books for which we’re excited that are due out in the […]

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Tonight: Chicago vs. Brooklyn at BookThugNation

Tobias Carroll lives in Brooklyn, and has covered music and books for a number of publications, and his fiction has appeared in THE2NDHAND, 3:AM, Word Riot, and as part of Featherproof Books’ “Light Reading” series. He is presently working on multiple projects of varying lengths. Mairead Case writes, edits, and clerks in Chicago. She’s managed publications like Proximity Magazine, The Journal of Ordinary Thought, and Literago.org, and published in places like featherproof, the2NDHAND, Pitchfork, Punk Planet, The Stranger, and Vice. […]

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Bites: Twilight, The Beets, Leonard Michaels, and asking what really matters anymore?

Hipster Runoff “tries to understand Twilight, without actually reading it.” And in doing so, writes just about the only thing on the movie/book that I’ve ever cared enough to read about. Vol. 1 Story Series reader, and contributor to the site, Tobias Carroll went to go see The Beets, Golden Triangle, and Thee Oh Sees (maybe the best lineup of the summer), and this is what he thought. Tablet discusses the essays of the late Leonard Michaels Carrie Brownstein asks […]

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Dulcimers Played, Strings Played By Tobias Carroll

This is the first contribution to Vol. 1 Brooklyn by Tobias Carroll, who does the site The Scowl. He will be telling a story at our upcoming Vol. 1 Story Series this Friday, June 19th A year before, Byron had received a letter from Nathan recounting the circumstances of Gordon’s death. Along with it were photographs of the event that followed: the ritualized destruction of four half-scale effigies of Byron. One had been drawn and quartered; one, burned; one, dropped […]

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