Indexing: Ann Beattie at the DMV, Ben Tarnoff, Frank Bill, Geoff Dyer, Orwell, and So Much More!

  A roundup of things consumed by our editors.  Jason Diamond Ann Beattie’s Mrs. Nixon was my company when I waited in line at the DMV in Herald Square for two hours yesterday, trying to get my drivers license for the first time in New York.  Even though I’d had a DL in another state for ten years, since I didn’t renew, I’m a new driver in the eyes of Governor Cuomo.  That means I get to go through the entire process […]

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Indexing: Bookavore’s Recommendations, Dennis Cooper, Ann Beattie, Holocaust fiction, and more

Tobias Carroll Earlier this week, I finished reading Irmgaud Keun’s After Midnight (at the recommendation of Bookavore).  What begins as a depiction of daily life in late-30s Germany from a narrator not particularly disposed towards fascism eventually (and subtly, and quietly) becomes something much more haunting, as the sublimated tendencies towards frustration and despair that have accumulated over the course of the book make themselves eminently tangible.

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