A Year of Favorites: Brandon Stosuy

A Year of Favorites

When I was a teenager, I read the longest, most complex books I could find. I spent months trying to decode Finnegans Wake, slogging through In Search of Lost Time, finding Tristram Shandy hysterical, looking up all the references in Gravity’s Rainbow, and marking the margins of my copy of The Waves with so many notes that it became its own kind of illuminated text. In 1995, I remember going to the bookstore the second it opened on the day […]

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Morning Bites: Ghost signs, Kio Stark, Ian MacKaye talks archive, Quintron, and more

A new book chronicles the fading “ghost signs” of New York City. Jeffrey Eugenides is Michael Silverblatt’s latest guest on Bookworm. Kio Stark thinks you to learn anything without going back to school. Salon does a roundup of great indie bookstores. Mayor Michael Blooberg sucks more and more every day. At Pitchfork, Brandon Stosuy talks to Ian MacKaye about the Fugazi live show archive. Quintron and Miss Pussycat are back. Daniel Blumberg from Yuck has some artwork he’d like to […]

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