Internal Dialogue on Literary Tote Bags Turns Into Blog Post

I’m thinking about buying the new N+1 tote bag for a few reasons:

  • They’re screen printed by Kayrock.  Kayrock rules.
  • Supplies are “limited.”
  • They use a picture of one of their female interns (pictured above) to try and sell the new tote bag.  Gigantic used a picture of a dude to sell me their tote bag, and I felt awkward because I thought to myself, “that guy is way better looking then me.  How will I make that bag look half as good?”
  • It isn’t as busy as the Paris Review bag.  (Sorry Paris Review)


  1. The tote bag I bought at Powell’s in April is beginning to tear, so this is an accurate reflection of my mental state as well. Might go local and pick up one of WORD’s bags; we shall see.

  2. I bought one from the (very underrated) Community Bookstore in Park Slope. It ripped in a week.