Currents, an Interview Series with Brian Alan Ellis (Episode 95: Nicola Maye Goldberg)

Nicole Maye Goldberg

NICOLA MAYE GOLDBERG is the author of the novels Other Women (Sad Spell Press, 2016) and Nothing Can Hurt You (Bloomsbury, 2020). Her poetry has appeared in New York Tyrant, Spectra Poets, Forever Magazine, and elsewhere. Her short fiction has appeared in The Drunken Canal, Joyland, Vogue, Expat Press, and Winter Tangerine. She lives in New York City and teaches at Columbia University.

My current favorite things to read are: eBay listings for haunted dolls, the transcript of the trial of Joan of Arc, Cain’s Jawbone, everything by Sara Gran. 

My current favorite thing to watch is: Panda Bear & Sonic Boom – Go On (Official Video).

My current favorite thing to listen to is: Hether Fortune – Sister (Official Audio).

My current state of mind is: relatively calm. 

My current chemical romance involves: vitamins.

My current words of wisdom are: “Jesus was a crossmaker”

My current mode of transportation is: ruby slippers.

My current favorite fast food item is: lavender lattes.

My current workout routine consists of: finally learning to ride a bicycle. 

My current regrettable decision involves: if I told you, I’d have nothing to write about.

My current hopes and dreams are: world peace.

My current projects and hobbies include: finishing a novel about Aileen Wuornos, researching Romanov imposters, and learning to write with my left hand. 


Nicola Maye Goldberg is online at

Brian Alan Ellis runs House of Vlad Press, and is the author of several books, including Sad Laughter (Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2018) and Hobbies You Enjoy (serialized daily on Instagram: @hobbiesyouenjoy). His writing has appeared at Juked, Hobart, Fanzine, Monkeybicycle, Electric Literature, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, X-R-A-Y, Heavy Feather Review, and Yes Poetry, among other places. He lives in Florida.

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