Bites: Lord Byron knows what women want, (un)successful indie ventures, and Zoetrope in wine country

Hilarious found library books website Awful Library Books goes totally un-PC. Repeat after me: This is not funny, this is not funny, this is not funny. (…Yes, it’s hilarious.)

  • We’re still hearing buzz about Electric Literature, a new, mostly online lit journal which pays its contributors $1,000 per accepted entry. Flavorwire explains how they’re able to do this:

“Besides its artistic merit (other contributors include Lydia Millet, T Cooper, and Diana Wagman), the magazine is a case study for other creative start ups. With an initial investment in the ‘low five figures,’ Hunter and Lindenbaum managed to put together their first issue in a matter of months. Since they avoid upfront printing costs — only printing issues when requested and paying the printer in bulk at the end of the month — and work with an independent distributor, they can afford their first priority: fair, even generous, compensation for writers. Most importantly, the editors have maintained their enthusiasm for an industry suffering from ‘blood in the streets,’ declaring,’the precedent we set now will inform the future.'”

  • In less successful indie printing news, Brooklyn-based Archipelego Books is having serious recession-related financial difficulties. The small, non-profit publishing press specializes in translations and produces consistently worthwhile publications. They are asking for donations here.
  • Still wondering what women want? Maybe Mel Gibson should have just asked Lord Byron.