Afternoon Bites: Russ & Daughters and the LES, Blake Butler on Sergio De La Cava, Deafheaven’s New Album, and More

“In discussing the various waves of immigrant populations that settled there and city laws that phased out carts and changed store hours, Federman captures the whole Lower East Side’s evolution through the lens of the shop.” The Brooklyn Rail on Russ & Daughters.

Katy Hendricksen’s column, Diamonds and Rust, has debuted at The Rumpus.

“It should be obvious the rules of a long novel are much different than those of average length. A short novel is like an eye that opens and closes in several hours, it is forced to operate as if being watched, whereas the massive novel, almost as a matter of question, should contain some sort of sprawl. The sprawl is what’s exciting.” Blake Butler on Sergio De La Pava’s A Naked Singularity.

Sarah Gerard on Sam Savage.

Deafheaven vocalist George Clarke talks about his role in the songwriting process for new album Sunbather.

George Perec’s la boutique obscure is reviewed at the LA Review of Books.

When he’s not pondering role-playing games, Sam Lipsyte is doing things like chatting with awesome folks like Lincoln Michel (as he did for Bookforum).

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