Books of the Month: November 2023

November 2023 Books

It is November. The mercury is dropping and the nights are lengthening; in better news, we’ll always have books. November’s upcoming releases have an appealing esotericism to them, from a longform essay to a collaboration between two writers we’ve long admired to a collections of poems dealing in part with the storied space that is the mosh pit. Read on for a glimpse at what we’re reading this month.

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Books of the Month: October 2023

October 2023 books

And now it’s October; we’ve entered the home stretch of the year. In other news, one of our editors is still unsure of whether or not they should be writing “2022” on checks, so — it’s been that kind of year. But hey, at least there are books. What follows is a look at some of the titles due out this month that we’re most excited about — ranging from cosmic horror to meditations on the nature of essays. Whether you’re seeking intellectual stimulation or visceral thrills, this list of new books has plenty to offer.

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Books of the Month: September 2023 Edition

September 2023 book recommendations

We were recently conversing with a writer about their new book for an interview to run on this very site when they noted — very aptly — that time seems to be especially accelerated this year. Or, to phrase it a bit differently: how exactly is it September already? At least one of the people involved with running this site is still pretty sure it’s still 2022. It’s baffling. Anyway, here are some books due out this month. We’re pretty excited to read them.

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Books of the Month: August 2023

August 2023 Books

And now it’s August. If my highly unscientific surveying of release dates and similar information is any indication, this month brings with it a very surreal array of books — including a lot of anthologies, some nicely surreal fiction, and some fascinating spins on classical mythology. What follows is a look at 11 books due out in August that we’re excited about. Maybe you will be, too.

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Books of the Month: July 2023 Edition

July 2023 Book recommendations

And now it’s July. Most of the time, when we assemble these lists, there are one or two themes that stand out across the books selected. This time out, it’s a little more of a grab bag: a little experimental fiction here, a little translated comics there. Still, we’re very enthusiastic about what the month has in store, including new books from some longtime favorites — and a few Sunday Stories alumni.

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Books of the Month: June 2023 Edition

June 2023 books

It’s June, and we’re in a pensive mood. Sometimes that can mean thinking about questions of nature, society, and isolation; sometimes it means considering questions of art, artistic intent, and how we view ourselves. Here are ten recommendations for the month that cover a wide thematic ground, and might well leave you thinking about the ways you and others interact with the world, both natural and built.

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Books of the Month: May 2023 Edition

May 2023 Books

How, exactly, did we get to May already? Normally, we’d make a joke here about the collapse of time and space or something similarly esoteric, but the hour is at hand when we should get to the recommending of books. And so here are some book recommendations for the month we’re in — and, if you’re behind on your reading, these books aren’t going anywhere.

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Books of the Month: April 2023 Edition

April 2023 book recommendations

Hi. We heard you liked books! We like books, too. We have some we’d like to recommend. All of them are newly out this month. We know, right? What a coincidence! Some new fiction from old friends, some experimental books by writers we’re meeting for the first time. It’s shaping up to be a banner year for books, and our April recommendations are keeping that theme going.

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