Recommended Books: July 2024

July 2024 Books

Are you, by any chance, seeking some reading recommendations for the month of July? Serendipitously, we happen to have a couple of those at the ready for your perusal. We’re thrilled that a couple of old favorites of ours are returning with new, genre-defying books this month; throw in some moving nonfiction and thoughtful ruminations on creativity and you have a compelling selection to choose from. Here are our recommendations for the current month.

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Books of the Month: June 2024

June 2024 Books

Hello, friends. It’s June now. We’re baffled by it, too. Perhaps the only up side to the sixth month of the year beginning is the fact that a new month brings new books, and this month has a lot to offer. As always, some writers we’ve long admired have new books out, whether fiction or nonfiction. Read on for some reading recommendations for the month we’re in.

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Books of the Month: May 2024

May 2024 Books

It’s a few days into a new month, and you can probably tell what’s next: we have some May books we’d like to recommend. Stylistically, they cover a lot of terrain; you’ll find everything from experimental short fiction to haunting meditations of contemporary politics here. Read on for some suggestions for the weeks to come.

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Books of the Month: April 2024

April 2024 Books

Was this edition of our monthly book preview column delayed by the earthquake? It wasn’t not delayed by the earthquake, if you know what we mean. We’re pretty excited about what this month has in store when it comes to books, including several new works by writers we’ve published in these very (virtual) pages. Read on for some suggestions for your spring reading.

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Books of the Month: March 2024

March 2024 Books

It’s March, and the pollen has returned. It’s an interesting month for books — though to be fair, it’s a rare month that isn’t interesting in some way — with everything from experimental horror to incisive takes on pop culture hitting the “new releases” table. What are we most excited about? Read on and find out, gentle reader.

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Books of the Month: February 2024

February 2024 Book recommendations

We’re not going to lie: we’re pretty excited for what February has in store for us, books-wise. (We’d even think this if one of our editors didn’t have a novel due out in the second month of 2024.) This month has it all: new books by longtime favorites, a terrific example of punk lit, and a thoughtful work on the state of labor to cap it all off. Here’s a glimpse of what we’re excited about circa now.

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Books of the Month: January 2024

January 2024 Books

It’s a new year, apparently. January can be a strange month for books; this one is no exception, but that’s meant in the best way possible. Where else can you see cult classics, cinephile thrillers, and J.G. Ballard-inspired horror fiction in one place? Here are some suggestions if you’re looking to get some reading done this month — and we’d wager that if you’re here, you probably are.

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Books of the Month: December 2023

December 2023 books

And now it’s December. What does December bring, in literary terms? An interesting array of books, representing a disparate array of styles and approaches to the craft of writing. Do you like short stories? We’ve got you covered. Do you enjoy poetry? There’s some poetry here, too. Throw some literary translations into the mix and you have a solid month for reading — with what might be your next favorite book as this year draws to a close.

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