The Zinophile: Histories Candid, Surreal, and Unsettling

The latest installment in Sarah McCarry’s generally essential chapbook series Guillotine comes from Sarah Gerard. The title here is BFF, and the focus is on a now-estranged friendship between Gerard and an unnamed friend of hers. As with all of Gerard’s work, the prose is immediate, intimate, and harrowing–closer to the rapid-fire narration of her novel Binary Star than her earlier chapbook Things I Told My Mother. It’s written as a direct address to the friend in question, but it […]

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Vol.1 Brooklyn’s July 2015 Books Preview

Well, it’s July. Perhaps you’ll be doing some reading on a beach this month; alternately, you might be seeking to find a place, any place, with air conditioning to start turning pages and delving into something. The range of books we’re excited about this month encompasses everything from punk-influenced fiction to thoughtful meditations on national issues to acclaimed works in translation. What follows is a selection of the July books we’re looking forward to the most.

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The Zinophile: Narratives of the Past and the Present

As New York’s all-too-briefspring begins to transform into summer, aided and abetted by an abundance of humidity, I’ve opted for the only logical response, and made with the reading of zines. That seems to fit, right? This particular edition of the column will focus on two: one collection of poetry, and one issue that includes an host of prose and poetry centered around a particular topic.

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